woman walking on tree branch demonstrating how to write about hard things writing course
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A writing course

Writing About Hard Things,
A Writing Course

Do you have a story inside you that's bursting to be told? If you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure how to start, Writing About Hard Things is a self-paced writing course that will help you become a confident, empowered writer capable of tackling your hardest stories, and transforming your most difficult experiences into powerful, meaningful narratives.

Are you carrying a story within you that feels too hard to get out?
You want to express your truth but it feels daunting. You're not alone. There is a way forward.

Start Your Journey: Unpacking Your Hardest Stories

Feeling stuck with a story that's too emotionally charged to write? This course is designed to help you unpack those difficult experiences and navigate your feelings around them. There's no rush; writing takes its own time. Together, we'll walk through the process, so you can finally feel the relief of sharing your story. Let's begin this transformative journey.

Get Unstuck

Break through that barrier and start writing with confidence.

Navigate Complexity

Safely confront and process your deepest emotions through writing while taking care of yourself.

Find your voice

Learn how to write about your hardest experiences in a way that resonates with others.

Lessons In This Writing Course

woman against the sky and trees with arms outstretched from below demonstrating the power of writing about hard things

Chapter 1: Getting Started

This chapter helps you address the emotional challenges of writing about difficult topics and prepares you for the journey ahead.

a velvet high heel shoe on a window ledge demonstrating developing your writing foundations in a writing course

Chapter 2: Developing Your Writing Foundation

Build a solid foundation with practical writing advice and personal insights from real-life experiences.

a woman with arms outstretched on a blue and grey concrete wall demonstrating crafting your narrative in this writing course

Chapter 3: Crafting Your Narrative

This chapter equips you with the tools to depict characters realistically and engage your readers effectively.

a stack of books against a wall with quirky art demonstrating support and next steps for this writing course

Chapter 4: Support & Next Steps

This chapter offers guidance on maintaining your well-being and motivation as you progress in your writing journey.

woman sitting backward in a chair smiling with hand propped on hand who is the instructor for how to write about hard things writing course

About your writing course instructor

Transform Hard Experiences Into Powerful Narratives

I’ve been there myself—feeling overwhelmed, fearful of judgment, and unsure of where to start to get that story out of me. My journey and training have equipped me with the tools and insights to guide you through writing about your hardest experiences. I have an MFA in Nonfiction Creative Writing from Columbia University and years of experience writing about challenging topics. I've successfully navigated these same struggles, turning my own difficult experiences into a fulfilling writing career.

Choose Your Payment Plan

writing about hard things a writing course with workbook worksheets by paulina pinsky
Writing About Hard Things
One time
For 2 months

✓ Go At Your Own Pace
✓ 11 Video Tutorials
✓ 7 Printable Worksheets
✓ BONUS: Printable Course Companion