Explore the next level of creativity, connection, and personal discovery.

Artist's Way Course Part 2:
Walking in this World


Continue your creative journey with the Walking in This World Course, the follow-up to The Artist's Way. This 12-week course, inspired by Julia Cameron’s transformative work, helps artists and creatives walk their path with newfound clarity, focus, and joy. This course is what will get you out of your rut!

Reignite Creativity

Break through creative blocks and reconnect with your artistic passion through guided exercises.

Boost Creative Confidence

Strengthen your belief in your creativity with personalized tasks and reflections.

Foster Artistic Growth

Maintain creative momentum and grow as an artist with practical, lifelong tools.

Photo of a persons hand placing a flower in a dish with some other ceramics and a blue paper taped on the wall behind for the Walking in This World course

Course Overview

Timeline: June-August

  • We will meet weekly for 12 weeks. Each week, you will be asked to read a chapter and do the corresponding exercises before each meeting.

  • Walking in This World: The Practical Art of Creativity by Julia Cameron

  • This course is conveniently offered over Zoom classes. You have the option to choose between two Zoom meeting times.

Whether you're a seasoned artist looking for new inspiration or someone just beginning to walk their creative path, Artist's Way Part 2 provides the tools and community to take your creativity to the next level no matter what your creative medium is.

These Are The Results You Can Have Too…

A woman artist at work painting in her studio for the artist's way course

Past participants have gone on to:

  • Write albums

  • Started their dream careers

  • Quit full-time jobs and moved abroad to write

  • Identified their passions

  • Gone on to lead projects with companies they had long admired

  • Identified crazy-makers in their life and made room for new and better things

  • Applied to graduate programs, moved cross-country, and started having the best sex of their lives

  • And more!

Leader of the artist's way course paulina pinsky jumping and smiling

Walking in This World Course Will:

  • Unblock Your Creativity

  • Cut through creative blocks so you can create freely

  • Uncover your inner source of unlimited ideas and inspiration

  • Discover your ideal path as an artist (And in life. It just works like that!)

  • Develop a regenerative creative practice that is deeply fulfilling

  • Uncover the core beliefs holding you back from creating your best art and life

  • Recover your creative identity and personal power

  • Reconnect you with your inner artist

  • Get you creating with a sense of joy and unlimited possibility

  • Teach you to create structure and boundaries for your creativity

  • Give you the support of a creative community

course details

The Nitty Gritty

The Artist’s Way Course Part 2: Walking in This World

June – August

Together we’ll thoughtfully work through:

  • Reading one chapter a week

  • Morning pages every day

  • One artist’s date a week to refill your creative well

  • Weekly about the chapter and your experience with your cohort

  • Lasting and deep connection with fellow artists in the course

  • You will finish the 12 week workbook, no stalling out at week 6!

  • At least three tasks a week

  • The beginning a lasting and regenerative creative journey

*Please note: The Artist's Way Course is a prerequisite to this course.


The Artist’s Way

changed my life

and it can change yours too.

I’m the co-author of the teen guide to consent, It Doesn’t Have To Be Awkward, Dealing with Relationships, Consent, and Other Hard-to-Talk-About-Stuff. I’m a writer, educator, truth-teller, writing coach and podcaster based in Los Angeles.

The Artist’s Way Course was first gifted to me the summer of 2018 during the deepest depression of my life. I came out of one of my darkest periods feeling more like myself than I ever had because of Julia Cameron.

I have been doing morning pages religiously ever since. Each day I spew three pages of thoughts— out tumble ideas, poems, and more. I have a space to rest, to dream, to play.  But more than that, The Artist’s Way Course set me off on a creative path where I started my own creative business that has helped many others find their own creative paths and life’s calling.

Paulina Pinsky the leader of The Artist's Way Course

My Motto: Through finding our inner voice, only then can we truly heal. And that is what this course is all about.


  • The Artist’s Way is a 12-week spiritual workbook written by Julia Cameron. It is the leading approach to a sustainable creative life and to unblocking creativity.

  • Please notify Paulina in advance of your absence so she can record the class you miss and send it to you.

  • Yes! This course is for all artists, whether you’re a writer, poet, musician, ceramicist, textile artist, or painter. That’s the beauty of The Artist’s Way Course. It was designed for creativity and not for a specific art form.

  • There are no refunds. However, you can expect to see results equal to the effort you put in. This course has the potential to be life-changing.

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